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Methwold Parish Council meets: Once a month on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. The monthly meetings are held in the Fenton Room of the St. George’s Hall Complex.

In accordance with procedure and the council’s Standing Orders the monthly meetings are open to the public and include an Open Forum section when members of the public can speak and raise any issues or concerns.

Once the Open Forum is over members of the public are unable to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairperson.

If an issue needs to be raised with the council during the month prior to a main meeting members of the public may approach councillors privately or address the whole council through the PC Clerk. Should a matter need to go on the agenda for discussion by the full council at the monthly meeting, then it needs to be raised at least a week before the agenda is issued. Some issues can be addressed by the Sub-Committees & Working Groups who if need be can bring the matter to the attention of the Full Council.


The Parish Council can only make comments on planning applications and the Borough Council or County Councils make the decisions. A parishioner can comment directly on applications by visiting the planning sections of the Borough or County Council Websites:  

Towards the end of the main meetings the Chairperson will propose a resolution to exclude the public. This is when any private or confidential matters can be dealt with. These include the reading of quotes for any work that has gone out to tender, staffing matters etc.

Methwold Parish Council

MPC Committees

MPC Working Groups

Future Meetings:

(Click On Meeting Title for details)

Council Clerk – Rachel Buckle


Tel: 01366 727 851

Postal Address:

Methwold Parish Council

C/o “The Binsleys”, 5 White Plot Road,

Methwold Hythe, Thetford,

Norfolk. IP26 4QP

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